12. Juni 2012

...to know Him

Dear brothers and sisters,
one question is waiting to be answered. Do we know the Creator, the Ruler, the One and Only?

In order to know ALLAH (swt) we have to understand His words, the message of the Qur'an and we also have to understand the Sunnah of His prophet Muhammad (asm).
But do we really understand it? What's the reason, why so many Muslims have problems to identify themselves as "Muslims"?
Muslim means, to surrender, to submit, to bring peace into your and others heart, mind and soul, to sincere worship only to one. So the first step is to know, whom you believe in? And what's your relationship to Him.
I want to ask you, is there a difference between the sahaba (ra) and the "Muslims" today?
Yes there is.
Why the sahaba (ra) surrendered, submitted, brought peace in their and others hearts, minds and souls and sincered worship only to ALLAH (swt), fully, totally and without concessions?
I remind you, the ruling Quraisch in Mekkah, also believed in ALLAH (swt) as the creator.
We have one thing in common dear brothers and sisters, today and at the time of Mekkah before the Quran al Karim was received by Muhammad (asm):
The people of Mekkah were not FREE...and today? Ask yourself, are you free? NO
So with the revelation of the Quran al Karim, the words of ALLAH (swt) to his messenger (asm), the greatest revolution of human history began in minds and in hearts.
The revolution of Freedom to surrender, to submit only to ALLAH (swt), who ist the one and the only who deserves to do so.
Do You know that ALLAH (swt) is the one and only Who brings Freedom? Do You really know it?
Think about it.
Who brings Freedom to You?

...to be continued...

Aziz Yoldaşım

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